Every disease occurs on a cellular basis; the same goes for autoimmune diseases. Many causes of autoimmune diseases, like post-infection, gene mutation, or particular drug effects, confuse your immune system into attacking and destroying internal organs. Autoimmune disease can affect singular organs or entire organ systems, with the symptoms and experiment metrics varying accordingly. Even with multiple variables compromising its overall effectiveness, our treatment aims to restore the damaged organ’s structure and function without suppressing the immunity and replacing the damaged organ’s role. We conduct our research and practice around this theme.
So how does acupuncture treat autoimmune disease? Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into specific pressure points through nerve endings to signal the central nervous system to naturally adjust the pathological states of organ systems. Therefore, the process must span over an extended period to achieve clinical success.
For example, post-COVID-19 infection patients may experience anxiety, insomnia, and stomach reflux (GERD). Acupuncture, through the afferent nerve-efferent nerve arc, works on closing the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) so that the stomach contents do not reflux back into the esophagus, solving the GERD problem in two seconds. Nerve systems work just like electrical wiring. Addressing the nervous system treats a problem on the spot and is faster than any medication. Depending on the variables, acupuncture can simultaneously treat anxiety, insomnia, and GERD.
To solve the fundamental problem of immune escape in real-world practice, we need to focus on regaining the organ structure and function damaged by COVID-19 and its variants and other antigens (EB virus, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Helicobacter pylori (Hp), etc.) Thus, we need to know who or what is responsible for killing those antigens and keeping our organs well. How do we recover the damaged organs that infection and non-infection gene mutation caused? Our clinical research and practice raised the question above and solved it through the results of acupuncture.
As stated before, acupuncture uses needles to stimulate specific body points without any drugs. The human body has a function to recover by itself even if specific organs are damaged. Because of antigens, infection causes inflammation, leaving the immune system with no strength to kill the antigens that cause illness and death. Acupuncture can inhibit inflammation through the nervous system. This inhibition can prevent the cytokine storm and allow the damaged organ structures to regenerate and regain their original functions. The immune system’s NK and T cells can return to eradicate the germs. In no time, the autoimmune disease will be nowhere to be found.
Here, I want to show that autoimmune diseases are hard to cure if we suppress the body’s immunity. Acupuncture is not a medicine but a practice to inhibit inflammation from paralyzing the immune reaction and a method to encourage the body to repair its damaged tissues.
©All Natural Medicine Clinic, LLC 2022
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- All Natural Medicine Clinic LLC
- info@anmedicine.com
- 301-770-4480
4801 Randolph Rd.
Rockville, MD 20852 - anmedicine.com
Who We Are
Welcome to All Natural Medicine Clinic, LLC. We are based in Rockville, Maryland, and we’ve been serving the community since 1996. We are a group of Chinese physicians with extensive experience and expertise in alternative forms of medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, and acupuncture. We specialize in autoimmune diseases, pain management, and have treated patients with diseases who experienced phenomenal medical healing throughout the years. It is our mission at the clinic to provide treatment and healing to as many clients that we can serve.
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