Naturopathic Doctors

In Rockville MD

Our Naturopathic Doctors

We're the naturopathic doctors in Rockville, MD that you can trust with your health and healing.

Dr. Hou was a professor and chief physician of Chinese and integrative medicine in Nanjing University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and its affiliated hospital. Researching and treating diseases based on recovering damaged the structure and function of cells with Acupuncture, Medical Herbs, Moxibustion, Cupping, Tui Na… The goal of the research and treatment is to target the root of the causes of diseases. 

Dr. Xu is the sixth generation of a family of Chinese and western medical experts. He was a professor and chief physician in Nanjing University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), where he had extensive medical training and gained his degrees of Chinese medical doctor (C.M.D.) and doctor (M.D.) in 1984.

We're the good doctors.

Licensed naturopathic doctors dedicated to healing you as naturally as possible.

Adding naturopathic medicine to your primary care routine will help you start prioritizing natural health solutions for holistic healing. See why we’re among the best naturopathic doctors in the Rockville, MD, area. 

The Naturopathic Difference

Natural healing in Rockville, MD

Dr. Hou was a professor and chief physician of Chinese and integrative medicine in Nanjing University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and its affiliated hospital. Researching and treating diseases based on recovering damaged the structure and function of cells with Acupuncture, Medical Herbs, Moxibustion, Cupping, Tui Na… The goal of the research and treatment is to target the root of the causes of diseases. 

Guangpi specializes in acupuncture and herbal medicines, especially in treating GYN and multiple illnesses. He is a diplomatic acupuncturist and herbalist of NCCAOM in the US and licensed acupuncturist in Maryland.

 Our broad range of Chinese herbal medicine employs a bio-chemical manner to treat the root of the disease. Our medicine helps the structure of the cell recover from a pathological state. Our services are aimed at providing relief and/or treatment from the following ailments and conditions: -Autoimmune disease -Organ failure -Hypertension -Hyperglycemia -Fatty liver -Diabetes -Insomnia -Depression -Anxiety -Heartburn -Infertility -Osteoporosis -Hepatitis B -Hepatitis C -Lyme disease -Cold -Flu

The treatment we are offering mainly is acupuncture and medical herbs, cupping, moxa.. to treat pain, none pain conditions. Like autoimmune diseases, organ failure, hypertension, hyperglycemia, fatty liver, diabetes, insomnia, depression, anxiety, heart burn, infertility, osteoporosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Lyme disease, cold, flu,..

Every disease happened on cells level, how can we recover the damaged structure and function of cells is the key to heal any disease.

Experience The Difference ANM Can Make

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, or “qi.” While …

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How Acupuncture Treats Diseases and Promotes Longevity

We all know that acupuncture works wonders in treating pain, but did you know that it can address a wide range of diseases? Every disease …

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Multi-Organ Failure Testimonial

I have been Dr Hou’s patent for 10 years. I truly believe she was sent by God and she saved my life. I was diagnosed …

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Visit Our Clinic in Maryland

All Natural Medicine Clinic, LLC, Randolph Road, Rockville, MD

Rockville, MD 20852