A Better Way to Treat Anxiety

Wanzhu Hou, CMD, MD(China), L.Ac,
All Natural Medicine Clinic
Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that causes excessive fear, worries, and panic attacks. According to NIH and Harvard, patients with autoimmune disease show more signs of anxiety than chronic degenerative conditions, likely due to the direct effect of inflammatory cytokines on the central nervous system. They stifle the neurons that produce dopamine, a natural chemical known to regulate emotions.
Compared to antidepressants which increase neurotransmitters to regulate mood, Chinese medicine (mainly acupuncture and herbal medicine) focuses on changing the internal environment to facilitate the recovery of the damaged neurons responsible for mood stability. The treatment intends to control the inflammation, improve the micro-circulation, and change the pathologic cells to physiologic statutes.

Although Chinese clinical practices may work on a different wavelength than conventional medicine, they both suppress anxiety disorder. Antidepressants merely control the anxiety symptoms, and patients may need to use the medication for rest of their life. Sometimes they may not even work to lower anxiety. However, Chinese medicine likely will not have this problem, since it targets the main cause of anxiety. By naturally boosting the body’s overall vitality, the neurons will be able to fight back without external interference.

We cannot guarantee that this will always work, since every body is different. If you are interested or tired of using antidepressants, try fighting back the all natural way.

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