How does Chinese Medicine Treat Disease?

Cancer is a complex illness. How did ancient medicine address it? The primary approach is based on the theory of Yin and Yang, which applies to all diseases—whether caused by infection, non-infection, or injury. In this context, Yin and Yang can be compared to living cells, which helps explain how ancient medicine treats various diseases.

Ancient medicine views viruses, bacteria, and germs as antigens, focusing on directing the immune system to combat these invaders. Unlike conventional medicine, which typically aims to eliminate antigens, ancient medicine employs a broader approach to address various infections. It often uses the same prescription to treat different diseases but with the same pathological states.

Although there are many types of cancer, ancient medicine aims to control inflammation, enabling the immune system to target irreversibly mutated cells. It’s important to note that T cells may not consistently engage in inflammation. However, we do not simply combat antigens—whether external viruses or internal mutated cells like cancer cells—by engulfing them. The goal is to reduce the overall number of these antigens within our bodies that cause inflammation through a patient’s natural immunity to engulf all antigens, including germs and cancer cells.

Simple ancient medicine does not directly engulf antigens, meaning certain treatment functions cannot be performed in animal experiments but can be conducted in clinical settings. Through my 46 years of clinical research, I have defined Yin and Yang across ancient and modern medical practices, emphasizing their relevance in treating infections, non-infections, and injuries.

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