Healing GERD Caused by Long Covid

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. So how does long COVID lead to GERD?

A new study published on January 12, 2024, reveals that the risk of severe digestive conditions persists for months after an active SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus responsible for COVID-19. These findings add gastrointestinal dysfunction and GERD to the expanding list of health risks associated with having had COVID. Even mild infections are linked to a higher likelihood of developing digestive disorders. The study found that the risk of conditions such as peptic ulcers, liver disease, gallbladder disease, and pancreatic disease increases for up to six months following infection.

Notably, the risk of GERD and astrointestinal dysfunction remains elevated for at least a year. Individuals who have had COVID-19 multiple times are more than twice as likely to develop pancreatic disease compared to those who have never contracted the virus. Researchers noted that during an active COVID-19 infection, around 10% of individuals report experiencing digestive symptoms. This latest study focused on how frequently people are diagnosed with digestive disorders more than a month after their infection. The persistent or new symptoms that occur after COVID-19 are referred to as long COVID, which encompasses a range of issues experienced by about 14% of individuals on an ongoing basis. It remains unclear how COVID-19 leads to digestive diseases.

One possibility is that the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), which controls the flow of stomach contents, may relax, allowing stomach acid to reach the esophagus and potentially causing inflammation or even cancer in that area. Healing GERD is essential to prevent inflammation and complications that can arise, including cancer. The treatment we have researched and practiced in our clinic has a 100% natural healing rate. Acupuncture, applied through specific acupoints, sends bioelectric signals to the brain. This, in turn, regulates the function of the LES and alleviates inflammation by closing the pathway between the stomach and the esophagus.

Additionally, it stimulates neurons, particularly the Vagus nerve, to enhance their function. Herbal medicine also plays a role, targeting both the nervous system and biochemical levels to facilitate healing. The ultimate goal is to address GERD caused by long COVID. Chinese medicine, which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine, aims to heal GERD naturally. Unlike conventional drugs that target specific symptoms and inhibit the acid that the stomachs naturally produce, Chinese medicine is tailored to each patient’s pathophysiological state and needs, making it proactive and customized.

For more information, you can attend a reference at https://www.anmedicine.com
and explore the underlying mechanisms at https://anmedicine.thinkific.com.

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