Acupuncture is a Type of Holistic Medicine


What is holistic medicine? Holistic medicine is an attitudinal approach to medicine that revolves around a patient’s overall wellbeing, rather than an individual problem the person is experiencing at the time. No matter how different the circumstances, each patient receives a similar treatment process. For example, if a patient comes to the office suffering from hypertension, any underlying diseases caused by hypertension such as high cholesterol and kidney failure will also be treated. The causes of said disease are also investigated. Holistic treatment means the treatment should cover all of the patient’s diseases diagnosed by conventional medicine. Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbal medicine) are part of holistic medicine.

What Makes Acupuncture a Holistic Medicine?

We use Chinese medicine to treat diseases which have damaged structures and functions of cells. This is done by recorrecting the inflamed cells and the immune system to restart its normal functions. By targetting not only the symptom but also its causes and effects, we can improve the patient’s overall health. The treatment choice depends on cytopathic state, or structural state, of damaged cells. An effective treatment can tend to multiple diseases if the cell structures are the same or similar. This is a fundamental concept of holistic medicine.

We implement the Yin-Yang theory in cell structure to treat disease. We successfully treated infectious diseases such as COVID-19, autoimmune diseases, genetically mutated diseases, and organ failures. Some of our patients’ conditions were so dire that organ transplants and modern therapies could not work for them. However, through medicinal herbs, our cancer patients had their cancer antigens reduced to standard levels. Other problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and memory loss also improved. Inflammation is the main cause of injury or illness related pains since metabolites stimulate the sensory nerves. Although different diseases affect different organs, all organs consist of cells with various organelles. Therefore, focusing on repairing the damaged cells’ functionality is a must.

The ancient physiological and pathological medical theory matches the modern medical fundamental idea, which advanced techniques and knowledge prove the efficiency of Chinese medical procedures used in the clinic. Unfortunately, data based on animal experiments make it difficult to mimic patients’ actual condition on the cell level. Therefore applicable results mainly appear in conditional cases in our clinic, not through experiments. Our treatment focuses on the patients’ wellbeing by providing damaged cells signals to self-heal. This is one of the main principles of holistic treatment.

A Broad Explanation of the Healing Process

The typical pathologic states are always expressed externally on specific cell levels, through monitorable symptoms. Minimizing the effect of inflammation also limits the damage caused by it and prevents diseases from developing. Though the concept of Yin and Yang has a broad meaning, it
essentially represents the structure and function of the cell. Tt could explain how Chinese medicine treats a variety of diseases. All treatments promote Yin and Yang’s balance, restoring the healthy structure and function of cells damaged by irregularities. Even if the organelles differ, the treatment follows the same fundamental law. We must remember that the human body naturally has immune systems and our stem cells naturally have a self-repairing aspect. Treatment inhibits the various inflammations so the immune system will engulf the pathogens, including external germs and internal mutated
cells. New stem cells will then replace the non-reversible damaged cells. We need to give the body a chance to recover by themselves, a feat only natural medicine can allow.


The Chinese medical treatment process uses a holistic approach to subvert diseases and re-establish cell functionality. It is necessary to prove that the multiple cytokines (or to put it, proteins) are the main targets. According to the theory and treatment law that we use, we can solve psychological illnesses such as ADD, ADHD, seizures, and Alzheimer’s. Chinese medicine (acupuncture, and medicinal herbs) treat diseases on the cell level, as proved by advanced experimental histochemistry. It is paramount to remember that acupuncture is not meant to target only the problem, but also its causes and effects. This promotes self-healing which is a primary aspect of holistic medicine in which conventional medicine does not utilize. Our bodies naturally heal itself, so why not let it do the work?

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