This is the All Natural Medicine Clinic, LLC. We are based in Rockville, Maryland, and we have been serving the community since 1996. We are a group of Chinese physicians with extensive experience and expertise in alternative forms of medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, and acupuncture. We specialize in autoimmune disease treatment and pain management, and stabilize patients who battle long-term disease. It is our mission at the clinic to provide treatment and healing to as many clients as we can.
Wanzhu Hou
L.Ac., Dipl.Ac, C.H.,CMD,MD(China)
Dr. Wanzhu Hou was a professor and chief physician of Chinese and integrative medicine in Nanjing University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and its affiliated hospital. She has been researching and treating diseases based on cell structure and function recovery through acupuncture, medical herbs, moxibustion, cupping, and Tui Na massage therapy. The goal of the research and treatment is to target the root of the diseases.
She published her knowledge of treating immunity related diseases internationally to help physicians and patients understand that there is another way to heal diseases other than through conventional medicine. She takes this very seriously.
Dr. Hou specializes in acupuncture and herbal medicine and is well-versed in autoimmune disease treatment. She can explain conventional medical theory in both Chinese and English. She holds a Chinese medical doctor (C.M.D.) and MD degree in China and has published articles, books, patents as well as papers in international conferences held around the world. She has worked in John Hopkins Hospital and taught Chinese medicine in China and the US.
Her biggest contribution to the medical field was when she discovered a way to reverse the damage done by different diseases. She realized that the human body can rebuild and recover its original functions by itself if given the right environment to recover.
During her career, she treated patients with infections and autoimmune diseases, and helped patients recover from severe organ damage in which they even needed an organ transplant. Some of the cancer patients returned to normal.
Wanzhu is a licensed acupuncturist, diplomatic acupuncturist, and Chinese herbalist with certifications by NCCAOM.
Guangpi Xu
L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., C.H. (NCCAOM), MD (China)
Dr. Xu is the sixth generation of a family of Chinese and western medical experts. He was a professor and chief physician in Nanjing University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), where he had extensive medical training and gained his degrees of Chinese medical doctor (C.M.D.) and doctor (M.D.) in 1984.
Since then, he has taught Chinese medical students internationally and nationally, has written several Chinese medical text books, educational books and has treated patients at Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM which is an affiliate of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese medicine – the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborative Center on Traditional Medicine. He achieved great recognition in Chinese medicine, and has received the first prize of national award for scientific advancement in Chinese medicine by the Education Department in China (N0: 92-Chinese medicine. China 1-07, the highest award in the world for developing and contributing Chinese medicine).
Guangpi specializes in acupuncture and herbal medicines, especially in treating GYN and multiple illnesses. He is a diplomatic acupuncturist and herbalist of NCCAOM in the US and licensed acupuncturist in Maryland.